
Посета делегације ENPC ParisTech Универзитету у Београду
Prof. Daniel Schertzer i Dr Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia

Делегација са Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech ће бити гост Универзитета у Београд 8. и 9. маја 2023. Професор Daniel Schertzer и др Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia ће уприличити предавања у Ректорату Универзитета у Београду и на Грађевинском факултету.

Prof Daniel Schertzer
Education: Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (Meteorology specialty), Habilitation (Professor dissertation) defended at Sorbonne University. Current positions: Professor at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), Visiting Professor at Imperial College London (ICL), General Engineer of Corps of Bridges, Water and Forest (Honorary). Previous positions: National Centre for Meteorological Research (Météo-France), Laboratory of Dynamical Meteorology (National Scientific Research Centre, CNRS), Institute Jean Le Rond d'Alembert (Sorbonne University).
Contribution to science Daniel Schertzer’s research focuses on the complexity of geophysical and environmental systems, and more recently on urban systems. He initiated the urban geoscience’s theme to develop holistic approaches to interactions between urban and geophysical systems, a key factor in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Daniel Schertzer has put a strong emphasis on intermittency, a kind of squared variability: extreme events are then concentrated in small fractions of space-time. Daniel Schertzer is thus recognised as a pioneer in the development of multifractals, particularly in turbulence, meteorology, hydrology and climate.

Dr Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia
Dr. Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia is director of the HM&Co Lab and associate professor at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, has a PhD in mechanics (UPMC) and an engineering diploma (U. Lomonosov). Her research has been evolving from the analysis of the atmospheric boundary layer, in particular its intermittency, to multi-scale modelling of hydro-meteorological processes, including their extremes. More recently, her research was focused on the uncertainty reduction of multifractal estimators to widen their use in water management, evaluating the resilience of complex environmental systems. She has co-edited three books and published in international journals of mechanics, hydrology and environmental sciences. She has been an expert with the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO. She is editor of Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. She has been participating to many European programs and was the ENPC coordinator of the recently completed EU project RainGain project.

Понедељак, 08. мај 2023.
Време: 11ч – 13ч
Место: Свечана сала Ректората Универзитета у Београду, Студентски трг 1
Prof Daniel Schertzer
TEMA: Milanković’s multiplicity of scales, intermittency, and climate / Интеракција климатских промена и прекидних временских серија: од Миланковићевих 30 -70 000 година до милисекунди у турбулентним процесима

Уторак, 09. мај 2023.
Време: 10ч – 11:30ч
Место: Сала 141 Грађевинског факултета Универзитета у Београду, Булевар краља Александра 73
Dr Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia
ТЕМА: From large scale to short-term across scale rainfall prediction and urban pluvial flood management – RainGain project legacy / Достигнућа пројекта RainGain у краткорочној прогнози јаких пљускова са фином временском и просторном резолуцијом за прогнозу и управљање урбаним поплавама

Уторак, 09. мај 2023.
Време: 11:30ч – 13ч
Место: Сала 141 Грађевинског факултета Универзитета у Београду, Булевар краља Александра 73
Округли сто научне заједнице о могућностима сарадње у области вода и заштите животне средине/ Meeting with the scientific community for discussion on collaboration in water and environmental areas and joint paper publishing / Могуће теме:
• Early flood warning systems
• Citizen Science for Environmental Monitoring: Towards Public-Participatory Water Resources Management
• Using Machine Learning Techniques in Increasing Transportation Infrastructure Safety Under Climate Stress
• Etc.
