

Hydro Dictionary user manual

Our Dictionary is primarily designed to help our fellow students, and as authors of this website, we have streamed towards a simple and fast user interface. Word that you want to search can be typed in an input window that is more than visible on every page. In order to make the search more effective, we have allowed:

  • both uppercase and lowercase input;
  • both hyphen and non-hyphen variants of words will bring the same result;
  • in order to bring our entire database, you can just leave the search-box empty.

In order to show words from a specific subject, you can use the buttons on the left side of the screen, or you can click on a subject word in the results table.


In order to improve database, every phrase that doesn't return a search result will be stored in a separate table. Our goal is to study that table from time to time and use those words to expand our database.